Friday, 5 March 2021

Planning my Cosmos / Universe piece.

I have been thinking about the piece I want to make for my Cosmos (Order) / Universe (Chaos) assignment.

When you say either 'Cosmos' or 'Universe', you often automatically think of Space, Stars, Galaxies, Planets etc... or at least I do.

And of course there are loads of artists that create pieces of work around the celestial colours of space, or what we perceive that to be within our imagination or from illustrations from books.

So, what I thought I might do is to take a core out of a piece of the Universe.  I am imagining it being like taking a core out of a roundel of cheese with one of these...
Digging down and bringing back a decent core sample..

I sketched out my idea to include starting my core sample in deep space, although not a solid piece as I feel that space is much more dimensional than that, I feel we should be able to look through it to the beyond... whatever that might be.

Underneath that we would find stars, space debris, black holes perhaps and more.  I want to explore adding things into glass that perhaps wouldn't be there normally, like found items off the Earths surface - feathers, foliage, organic matter, cremation ashes perhaps.  Most of these will burn away with the heat of the torch, but they may leave a tiny mark of soot where they have been.  A tiny imprint to be there forever.

Then I decided I might make the core sample slightly deeper and add the Earths crust into it.
I could then show how ordered the core sample is in respect of where things are placed throughout the universe, but while also appearing quite chaotic.

I would make this piece in glass - fused glass for the top, fused and slumped glass for the Earth, with lampworked glass beads being all the pieces in-between and underneath like stars and lava rocks.

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