Wednesday, 14 April 2021


 Today we had a presentation  on improvisation..... the presentation certainly got me thinking about things, and although I feel I improvise quite a lot anyway within my work, it has given me the idea to push myself into using other mediums within glass work.  

I teamed up with Doreen to swap scopes, and the idea that she gave me to work with was "Pampas".

First of all I had to do some research on this grass as, although I have a rough idea of what it is, I haven't really come across it or used it or really taken any notice about it in the past.

So, from research I have found out that not everyone loves Pampas grass. It is considered a weed, a pest.  In South Africa it is considered a category one weed and must not be grown. It is banned from sale and propagation.

That puts a slightly different slant on how pretty this grass is.

It is a fire hazard too, with reports of it catching alight from the sunshine and burning out of control. 

Many gardeners use fire as a way of controlling the growth of the grass, which can also be a risky business, it obviously needs to be done in a very controlled and safety conscious way.

Now I have to come up with a plan of how I can use this information to translate into a piece of glass...

I might try to show the prettiness of the plant, but also try to depict some destruction as well, maybe within separate pieces that work together but also work on their own.

Watch this space....

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Pampas Glass - an improvisation.

 When I heard about this assignment I smiled to myself - improvisation, it's what I do all of the time.  I have an idea, I don't hav...